You do not inspire your teammates by showing them how amazing you are. You inspire them
by showing them how amazing they are

- Robyn Benincasa

meet the team

Meet our team full of talented and driven people who put in their blood and sweat day in and day out to fulfill our dream of making best car by creating best team & make Pakistan proud on international grounds.

Want to see your self here? Click here to apply!

Board of Directors

Anusha Aleem

Team Lead

Saad Nisar

Technical Lead

Muhammed Umer

Marketing Lead

Aleena Amin

Senior Marketing Member

Muhammed Zain Ali

Statics Lead

Arham Ali

Senior Technical Member


Muhammed Umer

Abdul Mateen

Aleena Amin

Muhammed Ali Zain

Zain Abid

Umer Fahyan

Hooreen Ansari

Electrical Team

Syed Shujat Ali

Abid Ali

Hassan Shakeel


Asma Shakir

Chassis, Body-Works and Driver Control

Arham Ali


Daniyal Waheed

Abbas Raza


Puyish Kumar

Engine and Drivetrain

Sameh Ali


Suspension, Steering and Wheel Assembly


niranjan Chawla

Abdul Rehman

Aarij Durrani


Eman jawaid

Driverless Vehicle

Ayesha Quddus

Sher Ali

Khwaja Sinan

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